Solanum nigrum
English: Black Nightshade
Sanskrit/Indian: Kakamachi
Russian: Паслен черный

General information:
In early Ayurvedic texts, Black Nightshade has been mentioned as an important ingredient in herbal heart medications. It was also used by the Greeks as a topical treatment for inflammation.
The plant is effective in the treatment of liver cirrhosis. Black Nightshade is also credited with emollient, diuretic, antiseptic and laxative properties.
The berries contain steroidal alkaloid glycosides, solasonine, alpha and beta-solanigrine, and alpha- and beta-solamargine. It also contains the steroidal sapogenins diosgenin and tigogenin and solasodine and solasodine. All of these properties combine to render the herb its therapeutic properties.
- The extract of Black Nightshade is effective in treating liver cirrhosis.
- The herb is helpful in alleviating stomach ailments and is a diuretic.